I am a serial entrepreneur and investor. I’ve served on multiple boards, and love helping startups thrive. I’m passionate about personal development, nature, and I’m an avid collector of art. Consider me part advisor, part coach, all enabler.


Building businesses is what I do. With over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, investor and advisor, I’ve accumulated inside knowledge into what makes a business successful.

My core competencies are: wealth creation, strategy, fundraising, mindset, sales, marketing, team building and recruitment, balance and leading a full life.

I've founded and exited five ‘7- and 8 figure’ businesses. Outside of my own start-ups, I run an investment fund of 35+ NZ-based technology firms, with three (and increasing) exits. My additional diversification comes through commercial/industrial property, art, equities and of course, crypto.

My core purpose is enabling others to achieve theirs. I aim to connect and inspire motivated people, to generate exponentially greater outcomes for themselves and the world.

I believe that we have a responsibility in business to share the outcomes of combining our luck and gift of drive. To this end, my foundation supports two key charities (The Kindness Collective and Sustainable Coastlines) along with a generous sprinkling of others and a scholarship at the University of Auckland.  

I’m a founder or investor in these companies (and more):